Tuesday, February 28, 2012

First post~

Soo… let's get started. *-*

First of all I wanna make you sure about that, I’ve never ever written any blog yet….. I wasn’t even writing a diary when I was a lil child. :X Dunno why…. i guess just nothing interesting happens to me, so I don’t really have much to write about… my life is b-o-r-i-n-g.
But now that I have to write… well, I’ll try to do it well.
In the begginning  I didn’t want to make a blog, I just wanted to write my journal into an exercise book…. but I guess it’s easier to correct my mistakes here and I can make my thoughts prettier with tons of pics and stuffs. *-*
I like arty thingies and i like to make designs, so i'll try to make my blog look cool :3

As for the name of my blog... all of the good names were taken and I couldn’t really come up with anything original… I was listening to one of the Carbonfools’s songs. (Hippie song).. I kinda gave up on gettin’ a cool name .. the singer was just about to sing the part „it takes you nowhere”, so I’ve just stuck to this name…

Teh title, "Smiling Vioces" just came out of nowhere *-* it sounds so cool :P

I have absolutely no idea what i’ll write about.. o.o
I guess firstly I’ll just type in here my previous journals from my exercise book that i’ve written before…. so all of my HWs will be in 1 place…~

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