Saturday, March 3, 2012

Drummer boy~

My highlight of teh day was when I was chattin' with David. :3
He's a French boy and just some years older than me. I've known him for a year or so~

He is a drummer and an amateur song lyric writer.
He's like a wounded soul poet. Most of his relationships were crappy, and these really very affected him. The girls just used him and his money. x.x
Whenever we talk he tells me some lines of his newest writings~ Most of his writings are deep and so nice.. mostly he writes about love and romantic thingies. *-*

He's going from band to band... couldn't really find teh best one for himself yet.
But he promised me, if he and his band will be famous, he will send me a ticket to his concert lol how nice of him :P
Tho I wouldn't mind meeting him at all.... and i haven't been to France yet~

And.... I've just found my digi-table ._.
I haven't really used it yet.... my daddy bought it for me... but i haven't drawn for ages. :X
I still remember that I almost went to Avasi/ Zrínyi highschool to study art... but somehow i was afraid of that im not got enough. x.x (well ofc im not good enough, but i could've study there x.x now just 4,5 years passed without drawing anything :X gosh...)

Time to practice again~
Maybe if i've done some drawings I'll post them here. o.o

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