Friday, March 2, 2012


Another boring Friday night. ._.
Since uni started most if my Fridays are boring. :X All of my friends are studyin' in Debrecen/ Budapest/ Szeged and we can hardly ever meet. T-T They rarely come home, mostly stay in their college/ digs... )=

So.. i'm lookin for stundent jobs/ easy jobs again. o.o
Anikó, Lyudit and I wanna travel abroad in summer *-* ... we need cash for that :X Prolly my dad would gimme money, but still... if I earn teh money i can spend on whatever i want *-* lol

... yesterday Lyudit and I were hostessin.
We were advertising fruit juices! lol They were sold cheaper than usual, so we made people taste it and buy it.~
It was kinda boring :X Most of teh people didn't take teh glass of orange juices we wanted to give them...
They just ignored us... only old grannys and lil kids accepted them (they were really nice~)

We had a kinda funny headkerchief that I don't wanna wear ever again... xD
I guess we won't take another job like this... x_x We need something much more profitable one lol

edit: why teh hell cannot i make teh font bigger? x.x lol whatever... it stays like this for now. :X 
I'll try to edit it tomorrow... ._.

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