Tuesday, April 17, 2012

I don't know what I want ._.

I'm getting to be not sure about myself. Maybe it was not a good decision to come to teh uni of Miskolc and study these English thingies.
I won't do teh Alapvizsga this year, 'cuz I didn't pass teh Description 1 and Use of English 1 subjects... kinda ironic, those were the subjects i was 100% sure passing.

There's a guy I know... he lives in Colombia and 21 year-old.
He is just 1 year older than I am, still he lived so many things already. His mom died when he was 14 and he had to live with his dad and brother.... his dad made some wrong business decisions and a year after his wife's death he died too.
So; Al had to live with his bro from that time and had to take care of himself.. his bro is 10 year older than he is, so he had to take care of his own life aswell.

He finished highschool and didn't know what to do with his life... He went to the military for a year, worked as policeman and had a live support job at a company aswell. All these things helped him to get to know himself and now, he's going to college and start to do what he really wants to do.

I guess it would've been better for me too to have a gap year and find out what i really wanna do, 'cuz it's not okay now.

I don't feel like continuing it, but i don't wanna leave it either. >.< If I leave I've just wasted a year for nothing ....
Still... i guess I cannot put a fake smile on everyday and act like everything is okay....

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Identity card...

I've just found out i have to re-make my identity card... 'cuz the validity of it ends in early April (9 if i remember correctly ._.)
So today I went to the "Okmányiroda" (registration offices?) and I got a time.. Wednesday... 9:30.... just exactly when I should hold my American history presentation.... fine... if i skip it i'll get an "1"....

Still, I'm happy 'cuz my ID card will be remade... the pic about me in the old one is just... awful!
So ye... i hope teh next one will be better.. at least a lil bit.....

Brain surgery...

I couldn't sleep yesterday(... and today) so i turned the TV on. Changed channels and got to the "Life Network". 
The "Interesting human stories" was on. 
It's all started with the story of a man. A man who got brain tumor... all of the doctors gave up on his healing.... the tumor was in the center of his brain and the operation was almost impossible... noone dared to take the risk. Still, if the operation wasn't done this tumor just lead to his death.... how awful to know how many time left from your life... and that your days are counted....
The man's symptoms were really annoying for him.... he forgot everything.... and it was very hard for him to speak... (the tumor was close to his speech center)
So.. there was a doctor, that always helped to people like he.. he has over 80 succesful surgeries in a year.
The next scene was about his surgery. They showed his whole brain and everything. (i turned my head away :X I dunno why but i like stories about this kind of stuffs, but i simply cannot stand looking at blood or needles.. or knives x.x)
The man wasn't put to sleep, he was all awake. He had to be awake, because they were talking to him while the surgery went on. They had to check every little parts of his brain.. they had to check how big tumor they have to cut off.... the man wasn't happy when he heard, there may be a lil tumor left in his head... but it had to be left there... or else, if they cut of some important parts with the tumor, he wouldn't be able to speak at all....
Well.. as the surgery went on they asked him to read, to asnwer to questions, to count and things... and suddenly, after a check he simply couldn't understand a single word... and could hardly talk....

and then... they changed to another story x.x it passed midnight already.... i wanted to know the story of the man, but i had to wake up 5:20 AM today and i had an Integrated exam. x.x
Still.. i watched a lil bit of the following story... it was about a very cute little girl. Her life was just perfect, she was just like any other kids in her age, when in a birthday party she fell.... it all began there... her knees started to tremble from time to time... they went to the hospital and found out she's sick.... now, she cannot walk, and all of her body parts are uncontrollable and trembling... life is unfair...... and that was the point when i turned off my TV. :X 

I hope to see how their story end in the near future......... I'm pretty sure there were be a repeat of it...

Monday, March 26, 2012

Wrist tattoos are awesome!

I want one too!
Just something little and meaningful.
I like the one with the stars and the one with the quote on it the most!
"Art never comes from happiness" .... even the quote is cool. o.o
And i like the typewriter stlyed fonts *-*
But it's a too long quote :X I'd just want a word and a heart or a star next to it. *-*

Gosh.... but i'm afraid i'll regret it... it cannot be erased it will be there forever. ._.
Well.... maybe if it was put to a less see-able place it would be better... :P
I'm really thinking about gettin' one ~

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Light, camera... action!

Everything happened on Wednesday(march 21)
It was a beautiful and sunny day....
Since some of our classes were cancelled (and we had time till the last one that wasn't) and the weather was awesome we went to the Centrum on foot *-*
It took us around an hour and a half. (i was with Judit... how surprizing.. lol)
Judit wanted to eat icecreams, but since I'm planning to lose weight and trying to avoid eatin' sweets I didn't want... She offered to buy me one too, but i said no... still.. as she come out of the confectinoery there were 2 ice creams in her hands..... well... she had to eat both of them.. she looked quite funny with them... and people were lookin' at her, prolly because of it. (:

As we we're walking back a group of boys stopped us near the "Tapolcai megálló". They were a part of a club and asked us if we wanna take part in their upcoming series made for teens about the life of Miskolc's youngsterns...
I didn't want to sound offensive or careless, so I said we will think about it....
They asked us about our ages... i said I'm 19 and they were like "WHAT?!" "No way, you look like a 12 year-old" -.-
I just laughed at them ._. (2 of them looked around 14-15 and one of them was around my age...)
The oldest boy just showed me the paper that has to be filled with infos if we wanna take part in their meeting in that day... it started at 16:30.... and he showed that it has to be signed by my parents if im less than 18.... he cannot accept teh fact im more than that.. lol

So.. i wanted to walk forward but Judit... she... i dunno what happened to her, but she wanted to fill the paper with her infos x.x  but... she was soooooo shy that she couldn't even tell them her name.... gosh x.x xD
The boys asked me if i can go with her to their meeting place later... well.. i said an uncertain "yes" (you know.. it was kind of "yes, just let me go finally" xD)

We went back to the uni, attended our last class..... and went back to the meeting spot....
When i saw the place i was like... there's not a single chance that i will go in :X
I told Judit to leave but she didn't want.... so I wanted to leave her there alone.... but a boy came out... and asked us what we're waiting for...
I said Judit wanna go in... i just took her here.
Judit was shy and unconfident again.... she said we(WE??!!) will go in 5 mins. The boy went back.. and 3 another came out. :X One of them was teh oldest from teh group who asked us to come here...
We just made a drama.... Judit didn't wanna go in without me... i just simply didn't want to go in...  the place was full of 15-16 year-old kids.... and was soo lil.. It was obvious they're all very amatourish in what they planning to do....
A lil discussion come... the oldest boy started to say offensive things so in teh end i left them. >.<  (so did Judit....)

So yeah.. that's it....
daily fail - tick

Oh by teh way, we've found their "casting" movies in Youtube..... Check one of them... xD
(I'm reaalllyyy reaalllly happy i didn't go in... :P)

Friday, March 16, 2012


March 15... a very in important date in the Hungarian history.
Yesterday their were some commemoration events in my town...... since teh person that usually takes pictures in this kind of events couldn't be there, I was asked to be there and take some photos for both teh website ~ and for the newspaper of teh town.

The programs started in teh reformed church. There were a protestant pastor, a catholic priest, some students that said some poems... and a kid that played organ.
Teh catholic priest read some quotes from the bible.... it was rather boring  than interesting.
Teh protestant pastor is a tall man in his 60s. His performances are always really impressive. He talked about teh past, and about today's problems. About all teh thing that happen in Hungary.... about teh european parlament, and about that how unfairly we, Hungarians are treaten. He talked about politician things as well. I like his point of views....
A quote from his speak: "We were fighting, we lost, and now we are bearing, cuz we have to bear.... Bear! 'cuz we will win in teh end. And you can say it calmly, we will win!"
So all teh Hungarian readers out there... just bear all teh sufferings we have to live now.. it will be better... one day for sure..
After the worship-kind-thing came teh wreathing. There is a Heroes statue in the park next to the church. The important people of teh town put wreaths to teh statue.

There were some events in teh afternoon too. It was held in teh community center.  The mayor made a speech. (his hair looked light-bluish in teh forenoon, and now it was purplish lol... must be due to teh lightning... and you know.. old people tend to wash their hair with spec shampoos to make their hair pure white *-* but if they let teh shampoo in their hair for too long time it will have a bluish shade lol)
After his speech teh young people of teh town performed. It was a cool show. There were bunch of music parts, and teh whole story was good. I liked it.
After this, teh statue of Petőfi was wreathened too.... and there was a memorial ride to teh 'kopjafa' (dunno how its called in english) of our Kossuth square.

Since teh weather was nice and warm a simple mini skirt and leather jacket was enough~ Of course teh cockade couldn't be missed either~
I was wearing higheels and when i was taking photos at the Heroes statue, teh ground was muddy and i sunk in it....... xD damn :P

Here's a pic of my higheeels~

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Got my phone back! :D

Yay! *applauding*
I got my phone back! and it works fiiiiiineeeeeeeeeeee! :D
Tho... all my old text messages/ reminders/ phone numbers got deleted T^T