Thursday, March 29, 2012

Brain surgery...

I couldn't sleep yesterday(... and today) so i turned the TV on. Changed channels and got to the "Life Network". 
The "Interesting human stories" was on. 
It's all started with the story of a man. A man who got brain tumor... all of the doctors gave up on his healing.... the tumor was in the center of his brain and the operation was almost impossible... noone dared to take the risk. Still, if the operation wasn't done this tumor just lead to his death.... how awful to know how many time left from your life... and that your days are counted....
The man's symptoms were really annoying for him.... he forgot everything.... and it was very hard for him to speak... (the tumor was close to his speech center)
So.. there was a doctor, that always helped to people like he.. he has over 80 succesful surgeries in a year.
The next scene was about his surgery. They showed his whole brain and everything. (i turned my head away :X I dunno why but i like stories about this kind of stuffs, but i simply cannot stand looking at blood or needles.. or knives x.x)
The man wasn't put to sleep, he was all awake. He had to be awake, because they were talking to him while the surgery went on. They had to check every little parts of his brain.. they had to check how big tumor they have to cut off.... the man wasn't happy when he heard, there may be a lil tumor left in his head... but it had to be left there... or else, if they cut of some important parts with the tumor, he wouldn't be able to speak at all....
Well.. as the surgery went on they asked him to read, to asnwer to questions, to count and things... and suddenly, after a check he simply couldn't understand a single word... and could hardly talk....

and then... they changed to another story x.x it passed midnight already.... i wanted to know the story of the man, but i had to wake up 5:20 AM today and i had an Integrated exam. x.x
Still.. i watched a lil bit of the following story... it was about a very cute little girl. Her life was just perfect, she was just like any other kids in her age, when in a birthday party she fell.... it all began there... her knees started to tremble from time to time... they went to the hospital and found out she's sick.... now, she cannot walk, and all of her body parts are uncontrollable and trembling... life is unfair...... and that was the point when i turned off my TV. :X 

I hope to see how their story end in the near future......... I'm pretty sure there were be a repeat of it...

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