Friday, March 9, 2012

Let's design!~

Couldn't come up with anything cool idea for a new design of my blog yet. ._.
BUT, I've jsut got a request to make a poster for a Romanian Uni.... actually a friend of my asked me to do one for her~

I kinda like to do these kind of thingies~
Most of the time i'm teh one that makes teh invitation cards for teh events in our town too *-*
Well at least teh ones, that are posted in teh website of Tiszalúc (ye, i live here ._. i'll might write a lil about it later)

Here are some exaamples~ (... i couldve just found these now lol)

In teh first line are teh newest ones, made for teh Romanian girl.i wrote about (3 types of color mixes o.o)
Teh 2nd line begins with teh one that is made for teh event of march 15... 
Teh other 2 are older

I'm using Corel Paint Shop Pro X for teh designs. o.o Actually many people suggested me to use Photoshop, but well... i have my reasons why i do not do so..

  1. it is costly
  2. PSP have almost teh same functions, so i do not need any trendy PS :X 
  3. I'm so used to it... im lazy to study how to use PS lol

Of course there is still room for improvement.... actually I think I should've attend some courses and things... and maybe it will be more than a simple hobby for me~ who knows...

And umm..... I guess that's all for now....

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