Saturday, March 10, 2012

Nail biter T^T

One of my worst habit is that I'm biting my nails. :X It's a really nasty and emberassing habit...... but I've been a nail biter in my entire life... and i simply just cannot quit it.
I'm biting my nail teh most when I'm stressed or nerves... so in school time all teh time..... my left hand is teh worst... I'm biting that when I'm mousing with my right hand, ._.

Tho, now I guess I'm getting to have teh will power to stop it. o.o
Since I'm polishing my nails I tend to bite them less....~
I wanna have pwetty nails~

Today i've bought an awesome nail polish. It has one of my favourite colors~
neon yellow-green x3

Here, on teh pic, teh color is similar to teh one I've bought ^^

Haven't tried it yet, 'cuz I'm having pink & black nails now, but I wanna put them on tomorrow! *-*

Usually I'm painting my nails fully black or black & pink.  
Colors like these~

But now wanna get more neon-colors. (mostly cyan; yellow and orange *-*)
Ohz, and of course a classic purple couldn't be missed either! x3

Wish me good luck on giving up on biting my nails! :P
One day mines will be awesome too! :3

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