Sunday, March 4, 2012

Fail geek o.o

Well... in my highschool i was specialized for informatic... i've checked teh HTML code of teh blog... tried to change teh font sizes/ types but couldn't really make out anything cool. ._.
Teh font sizes/ types still aren't teh same everywhere, but oh wells. T-T
I'll leave it as it is.. :X

I guess I'll look for some tutorials and things.... I wanna make a new design for teh blog. o.o
Something simple, clean, minimalist, black & white theme o.o

Tomorrow we are writing a listening test. ._.
I truly hope I'll pass it. :X Acually I'm not that afraid of it... at least we don't have to talk there... ._. still that's my biggest fear. >.<

* waiting for summer and soo look forward to travelin' abroad *

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