Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Our day x3

Tomorrow (march 8) is teh international women's day.
Even teh UN consider it as an international world day.

The first woman's day was held in 1909 and Hungary joined to this in 1913. Back then it has a diferrent meaning, but nowadays, in this day men show their esteem and respect to teh women.

Even little boys in the kindergartens give lil gifts to teh girls.
In primary school boys are taught to respect teh girls, and this day they give flowers/ sweets to the girls.
I remember in highschool in this day even the male teachers behaved differently with us. We didn't have to write tests and our homeworks weren't asked.... There were 9 girls in our class (physics, chemistry, informatic weren't popular subject among girls :X) and 27 boys. Teh boys always gave us some flowers, treated us nicely..... we received special attention and things.... this made our day~

Tho it's far too close to Valentine's day.... so boys prolly have to buy something for their loved ones/ gals again.... still it's cool to have a day like this. x3 We don't except any huge presents... all we want is just to be remembered.. :P A simple flower could mean more than any fancy expensive gifts.~

Happy Women's day to us! :3

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